Bruce spent the first portion of his vocational career studying and then working as an Environmental Chemist, having earned a doctorate in Inorganic Analytical Chemistry. Afterwards he was ordained as a Presbyterian Minister and following studies in Ancient History/New Testament he has worked the past 15 years at Reformed Theological Seminary – Atlanta, teaching New Testament, serving now as Dean of Students. Bruce enjoys long walks with his amazing wife of 30 years Rachel, discussing Scripture and its implications. They are both convinced that God is the God life, offering us more instruction about this world than we give him credit for. Together they have five children, the oldest three of whom have special needs.

Articles by Dr. Bruce Lowe

CultureChristianity & Culture

Joseph in Egypt: A Man for All Seasons

| 13 min read

Bruce Waltke, in his brilliant Genesis commentary, points out that “the account of Jacob” from 37:2–50:26, the final toledot of Genesis, maps God’s unifying of Abraham’s line. Here God makes Abraham’s family “worthy covenant partners” (p.191) via two unlikely heroes: Joseph and Judah. Reuben was firstborn, but unworthy of his position. So, God replaced him...

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