Kate Harris is the former Director of Programs and Development for The Washington Institute, wife to a good man and mother of their four children.

Articles by Kate Harris

VocationOn Daily Work

Motherhood as Vocation

| 8 min read

This article is reposted from its first publication in 2009. We’ve found these reflections to have lasting relevance, and to be well worth revisiting.   In Washington DC, it is only a matter of time before the kind woman standing next to me at a cocktail party will turn from talking with my husband and ask the inevitable,...

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Institute for Faith Vocation Culture

VocationOn Daily Work

The Myth of Balance

| 7 min read

Several months ago I was invited to lead a breakout seminar at a conference on calling and the common good, offering some reflections about what it looks like to take up calling across all of life, but especially with a view to the ordinary, unsexy realities of daily life. I smiled when I arrived at...

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The Heart of Vocation

| 7 min read

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” – Nelson Mandela It is hard to go very far in conversations about vocation without very quickly getting tripped up on language. Discussion about a person’s longing...

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