VocationOn Daily Work

Proverbs and Work

| 12 min read

North American society seems to be in the midst of a first world problem: the great reevaluation of work.  Work used to be Mr. Incredible, pushing paper in a job literally too small for him.  Then it became work from home, then the Great Resignation, then Quiet Quitting, and then Quiet Firing.  We have some...

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FaithBiblical Reflections

A Proverb in a Collection is Dead?

| 12 min read

Attempts to read straight through the Bible rarely make it as far as Proverbs.  The descriptions of the tabernacle in Exodus often knock out the first group of would-be “Bible in a year” neophytes.  If that doesn’t do, Leviticus is waiting, and after the surprising relief of Numbers being a delightful if also disturbing book,...

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