VocationOn Daily Work

Too Small to Fail

| 11 min read

The fact that we celebrate the American worker by not working tells us something about our relationship with work — it is very complicated. Even Labor Day itself has an interesting background. When President Grover Cleveland signed the law that made Labor Day an official national holiday in 1894, he did so against a backdrop...

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CultureChristianity & Culture

Common Grace for a Contentious Age

| 7 min read

The whole secret of the practical success of Christendom lies in the Christian humility, however imperfectly fulfilled. For with the removal of all question of merit or payment, the soul is suddenly released for incredible voyages…And this gay humility, this holding of ourselves lightly and yet ready for an infinity of unmerited triumphs, this secret...

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CultureChristianity & Culture

Ethics for Exile

| 17 min read

Christianity has always – like any global movement – had different flavors.  Those flavors are often thought of as denominations, but denominations themselves mask a range of variation in how we express our Christianity – cultural variation, theological variation, and almost any other “-al variation” out there.  At a time when one flavor of Christianity...

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