CultureChristianity & Culture

Joseph in Egypt: A Man for All Seasons

| 13 min read

Bruce Waltke, in his brilliant Genesis commentary, points out that “the account of Jacob” from 37:2–50:26, the final toledot of Genesis, maps God’s unifying of Abraham’s line. Here God makes Abraham’s family “worthy covenant partners” (p.191) via two unlikely heroes: Joseph and Judah. Reuben was firstborn, but unworthy of his position. So, God replaced him...

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FaithLiturgical Reflections

On Christmas

| 3 min read

What is Christmas? Thousands of words have been written, hundreds of songs sung—the centuries are full of hope, longing for the day when all sad things will become untrue, Tolkiens’ words speaking for everyone everywhere. In a world where Fate is the first and last word, where things are as they are because they always...

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