Faith • Liturgical Reflections Love, Liturgy and the Architecture of Time Thomas Hinson | 6 min read My conversion was sudden, but not altogether surprising. The efforts of friends to evangelize me had planted seeds, kindling questions demanding answers. “Could I really trust this?” “Would it really... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections How Shall We Sing the Lord’s Song? John Lamb | 3 min read In 587 B.C. the exiled Hebrew nation sat on the banks of the Euphrates River singing this lament: “By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept, when... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections On Prayer Again Adam Joyce | < 1 min read In light of the discussions of listening and calling this week, here is a prayer from Walter Brueggemann’s superb prayer collection, Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth. In the words... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections The Sin that Doesn’t Feel Sinful Rachel Blackmon Bryars | 4 min read When I read the emotional and angry email, my eyes widened and my heart started pounding. There was a misunderstanding— an unfortunate mix-up between a former neighbor and me. I... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections God is Not Elsewhere: Poetry, Prophecy, and Sight Laura Merzig Fabrycky | 6 min read Our family is moving from Jordan this week after three and a half years of living here. A day ago, the packers finished boxing up our possessions, and now the... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections Forgiveness. First. Josh Williams | 3 min read As a fourth year medical student, I traveled to Papua, New Guinea to spend two months at Rumginae Rural Hospital, a small facility with two international physicians and twenty staff... Continue Reading