Faith • Theological Reflections True Spirituality Dr. Steven Garber | 2 min read I go to a lot of places in the course of a year, and almost always they are settings that intrigue me for a host of complex reasons. Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections A Visit to the Reframing Shop with Jesus Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 2 min read We all live our life by some narrative, even if it’s only “I owe, I owe, so off to work I go.” The narrative frames the activity and gives it... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections Prayer for Labor Day Dr. Steven Garber | 2 min read A prayer for labor, for the loves and the longings woven into the very work of our work. “O Lord and Maker of all things, from whose creative power the... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections Havel on the Human Condition Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read “It’s as if we were playing for a number of different teams at once, each with different uniforms, and as though—and this is the main thing – we didn’t know... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections On What We See, and Why Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read The viewer is always viewing. Almost homespun it seems, but it is the wisdom of a genius, Michael Polanyi, the celebrated Hungarian chemist-become-philosopher, who following the two world wars of... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections Beyond Karma Dr. Steven Garber | 4 min read She just began talking— and for a long time I listened. Flying away from New York City this past week, I sat in my seat, anticipating several hours of quiet... Continue Reading