Vocation • On Daily Work November 11: A Sacred Day for a Biblical Calling Rev. Nathan Newman | 9 min read On November 11, 2021, thousands of Washington, D.C. locals and visitors processed in reverent silence to lay flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, commemorating its one hundredth year. Situated... Continue Reading
Vocation • On Daily Work Why Work? Hugh Whelchel | 9 min read According to the Wall Street Journal: “The COVID economic shock has unleashed unprecedented creative destruction, sharply accelerating the transformation that we once quaintly called the “future of work.”[i]Others suggest that... Continue Reading
Vocation • Visions of Vocation Making Peace with Proximate Justice Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read The question of my life. While I have spent years thinking about life in the world with my laptop open before me, this past year has been one in which... Continue Reading
Vocation • Visions of Vocation The Task of Translation Dr. Steven Garber | 5 min read Tacos and tortillas are easy. And adios is like that. But what about las golondrinas? and Sacramento? Having grown up in California, I began to learn Spanish in the second... Continue Reading
Vocation • Finding Your Vocation “Because I Want To?” – A Christian Approach to Desire and Vocational Calling Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 10 min read Many will remember the old game show The $64,000 Question, an American television staple in the 1950’s. As time passes, fewer may remember that the phrase predated the show. The... Continue Reading
Vocation • Finding Your Vocation Embracing the Unknown: Rethinking the Job Search John Kyle | 9 min read Having a new job is exciting – new challenges and experiences, opportunities to work with new people, and chance to learn and grow professionally. Finding a new job, on the... Continue Reading