Vocation • On Daily Work To Keep On Keeping On, One More Time Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read To keep on keeping on. In my dropped-out years, I lived in the Bay Area of California, more often than not hitch-hiking between Palo Alto and Berkeley through the weeks... Continue Reading
Vocation • Visions of Vocation Common Grace for the Common Good, Again and Again Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read Vocation and the common good. In a few words, that is what I care about, and so what I work on, day after day, year after year. More could be... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections Missio on Loving the City: Politics in the Land of Exile Eric Peterman | 3 min read Exile was a concept directly familiar to Israelites. Israel, though Abraham, Moses, and David, was given many promises. The Lord would bless and uphold his people. They were to multiply... Continue Reading
Vocation Missio on Loving the City: The TV Won’t Stop Talking Cara Brown | 3 min read The TV won’t stop talking. I hear so many words – terrible news stories, shallow comedy shows, meaningless reality programs, this celebrity this, that sports game that – following me... Continue Reading
Culture • Christianity & Culture Doorways to Transcendence Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read “Windows to transcendence” is the metaphor the brilliant sociologist Peter Berger offered, describing the way we see and don’t see the reality of the world around us. He argued that... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections Missio on Loving the City: Jeremiah 29 Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 3 min read Jeremiah 29 is one of the seminal texts to biblically consider faith, work, and vocation. Unfortunately, verse 11 is often read without the surrounding context: “For I know the plans... Continue Reading