Faith • Biblical Reflections Missio on Rest (Deuteronomy 5:12-15) Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 2 min read When God created us, He built work into the very core of our being and purpose: “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections Missio on Grumbling: America, de Tocqueville, and Complaining Ryan Burns | 5 min read I sought for the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers – and it was not there . . . in her fertile fields... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections Missio on Grumbling: Reframing the Mundane Mary Mitchum | 4 min read Walk into the office, ask my supervisor how I can help today, get a long list of tasks ranging from papers to file, emails to return, excel spreadsheets to create,... Continue Reading
Vocation • On Daily Work Missio on Grumbling: Noticing the Manna God Provides Michelle Bendit | 4 min read Numbers 11 recounts a terrible yet far too familiar story of discontentment, ingratitude, and the resulting anger of God being administered. The sobering conclusion of the passage begins to put... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections Missio on Grumbling (Numbers 11) Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 3 min read It must be one of our favorite pastimes as a culture: complaining about our work. Grumbling. And certainly there are times where complaint is legitimate, where things at work are... Continue Reading
Culture • Current Conversations Extrinsic? Intrinsic? Dr. Steven Garber | 4 min read Extrinsic? Intrinsic? Twice in the last week I have been in conversations where these words have run through my mind, making sense of the moment. In one I was on... Continue Reading