Liturgical Reflections Gary Black on Why “Silence” Matters at Christmas Dr. Steven Garber | 8 min read Now, but not yet. Everyone everywhere, sons of Adam and daughters of Eve that we are, sees the same world, and tries to make sense. We don’t have to be... Continue Reading
Culture • Popular Culture A Christmas Eve Meditation Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read To be implicated, for love’s sake, in the way the world turns out… a Christmas Eve meditation. Watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” this week, one more year laughing and crying... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections Advent Meditations: Do You Hear What I Hear? John Kyle | 4 min read October 1962. The world was on the brink of nuclear war. The Soviet Union was stockpiling missiles in Cuba and the U.S. government responded with a military blockade. The world... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections Advent Meditations: Joy To The World? Dave Saville | 5 min read I hate this place. How is it possible to hate what you’re thankful for? I haven’t worked out all the details yet. Some questions are better after caffeine anyway,... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections Advent Meditations: Joy To The World Becca Hermes | 5 min read Advent. It’s a season of more than just waiting for the Christ child. It is a season of cultivating our longing for his coming. Wait… Cultivating our longing? I generally... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections Advent Meditations: Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Becca Hermes | 4 min read I love music. And even though I’m sometimes sick of it by the end of December, I really love Christmas music – especially the old Christmas hymns. The popular music... Continue Reading