Culture • Christianity & Culture How to Orchestrate a Revolution Dr. Bruce Lowe | 12 min read When the first Christians were in process of becoming something big, something substantial from the perspective of all around them, a Jew named Gamaliel stood up and gave this speech:... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections Why Do the Prophets Talk So Funny? Randy Newman | 14 min read After residing for over thirty years in Northern Virginia, my wife and I recently moved to Austin, Texas. Even though both locales technically own the label “Southern,” Texas feels a... Continue Reading
Culture • Christianity & Culture Augustine, Kundera, and More: What Do You Love? Dr. Steven Garber | 7 min read “The Devil laughs because God’s world seems senseless to him; the angels laugh with joy because everything in God’s world has meaning.” Milan Kundera watched the world of Central Europe... Continue Reading
Vocation • On Daily Work Work in Life: Longevity, Legacy, Lethargy or Something Better? Rev. Austin Kettle | 9 min read Peter Attia is a medical doctor with an impressive resume: Stanford, Johns Hopkins, NIH, and the rest. He also wrote one of the bestselling books (so far) of 2023: Outlive.... Continue Reading
Culture • Popular Culture The World of Our Lives, and Past Lives Dr. Steven Garber | 4 min read Movies, movies and more movies — and the 21st-century has given us platforms and possibilities that are overwhelming. Our local theaters still, but now PBS, Amazon, Acorn, Netflix, and BritBox... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections “Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?” Heidi Wong | 9 min read Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? So closes the final song of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s critically acclaimed musical Hamilton.[1] One of its main themes is the idea of ‘the... Continue Reading