Vocation • Visions of Vocation Over the Shoulder, Through the Heart Dr. Steven Garber | 4 min read Over the shoulder, through the heart. An image that I never get far from, I think and think about it some more. My PhD studies drew me to learning about... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections After Easter: Certainty in the Gospel Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 9 min read A few years ago, my daughter and I were playing Battleship, and she shot misses on spaces C 8,9, and 10. Or that’s how I remember it and had it... Continue Reading
Vocation • Visions of Vocation To Heal the Wound: The Vocation of Bishop Bienvenu Dr. Steven Garber | 3 min read “He bent over all that groaned… the universe appeared to him an immense malady; he felt fever everywhere; he heard the sound of suffering all around him; and without trying... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections What is This Thursday? And Why is it Maundy? Jeff Vogan | 17 min read The name Maundy Thursday is from the Old French mandé,[1] which comes from the Latin mandatum novum –literally meaning “new mandate” or “new commandment.”[2] This mandatum novum refers to Jesus’... Continue Reading
Culture • Popular Culture Love and Lent and the Stories of Our Lives Dr. Steven Garber | 5 min read In the strangeness of our years, Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s Day were the same day in 2024, many reflecting on their deepest longings with lament, and then before the day... Continue Reading
Culture • Christianity & Culture Paintings on Walls Randy Newman | 9 min read Christopher Hitchens’s brother, Peter, says it was two paintings that challenged his atheist convictions. He found the contrast between beauty and ugliness suggestive of larger issues of good and evil.... Continue Reading