Faith • Liturgical Reflections As Far as the Curse is Found Dr. Steven Garber | 2 min read All of us have antennae. We watch for things, hoping that what we see and hear is more truthful than not. And when we sense that something is being said... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections A High Vocation Held Lightly Adrienne Shore | 3 min read “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly be broken.” – C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves The interconnectedness of... Continue Reading
Faith • Theological Reflections Comfort Ye, My People Dr. Steven Garber | 2 min read Comfort ye, comfort ye my people. As I listened to those words this morning, they were different to me. Our congregation gathered to worship with the help of some of... Continue Reading
Vocation • Finding Your Vocation On Vocation and Occupation Dr. Steven Garber | 2 min read Vocation and occupation. Two different but related words. There are few days when I am not drawn into a conversation with someone about the ways that they orient us, forming... Continue Reading
Vocation • Visions of Vocation What is Education All About, Anyway? Dr. Steven Garber | 2 min read Lewis and Clark. An expedition but also a college, and yesterday I found myself thinking about both. Staying for the week in a hotel a few blocks from the Columbia... Continue Reading
Faith • Liturgical Reflections Advent and Expectation Andy Scott | 3 min read I have always been vaguely aware that the four weeks leading up to Christmas were called Advent. As a child I relished opening the door of the cardboard calendar to... Continue Reading