Vocation • Finding Your Vocation Gently Glowing Bushes: When Your Calling Isn’t Obvious Rev. Bill Haley | 5 min read It’s one of the most common–and paralyzing–questions that Christians ask, “How do I know my vocation?” Many times I’ve talked to folks who are afraid to make a bold move... Continue Reading
Culture • Current Conversations When Darkness is My Closest Friend Randy Newman | 12 min read I’m beginning to write this just a few days before February, the longest month of the year. I know what the number of days on the calendar says and how... Continue Reading
Faith • Biblical Reflections From Kuhn To Christ: Why the Old Testament Matters Rev. Dr. Bill Fullilove | 18 min read I remember seeing the movie The Game, starring Michael Douglas and Sean Penn on an airplane during a business trip in the late 1990s. Michael Douglas plays a financier named... Continue Reading
Culture • Christianity & Culture A Mosaic in the Making: The Indefatigable Hope of Rev. Matthew Anderson, D.D. Rev. Matt Lietzen | 18 min read After taking the podium as the Presbyterian Church in America’s (PCA) first African-American Moderator on June 13, 2018, Rev. Dr. Irwyn Ince, Jr. gave a brief speech wherein he shared... Continue Reading
Culture • Christianity & Culture Christians As a Cultural Minority (Again) Peter Wehner | 16 min read The relationship between the culture and politics is complex and subtle, so it’s worth saying something about each, starting with culture. Culture involves far more than what we traditionally think... Continue Reading
Culture • Christianity & Culture In Search of a Christian Political Theology: Dominionism, Kuyperianism, and Christian Realism Rick Barry | 10 min read Is it not amazing how men and women who profess the same Christian faith can end up coming to such different political conclusions when we vote? How is it that... Continue Reading